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Перевод: unimpeachable speek unimpeachable

безупречный; безукоризненный


  1. One person has wide and reliable knowledge of cars, as well as an unimpeachable moral character.
  2. Even assuming complete good will and unimpeachable moral convictions, inefficiency, ignorance and other ordinary facts of life will lead to objectionable laws being passed.
  3. But the one remained known as Willibrord (despite an unimpeachable Roman allegiance), while the other called himself thereafter Boniface.
  4. However, in many years of examination of ancient jewellery, cadmium has never been found in pieces from excavation, or from otherwise unimpeachable sources, but only in pieces that were suspect on other grounds.
  5. Such praise from an unimpeachable source derives from Wicks being one of those High Technicians who actually know about something.
  6. Even the holder's enjoyment is restricted (unless he be declared "unimpeachable for waste') by consideration for the rights of those who have subsequent estates in the land.
  7. Never has so much explicit description of the mechanics of intercourse been rivetingly televised with such unimpeachable justification.
  8. The onus must now be on the industry to provide more secure machines and on users to make sure that their own security procedures (including the simple step of locking office doors) is unimpeachable.
  9. They say he was looking for evidence of natura naturans "all-creating nature", rather than natura naturata , "the made world"; in certain seventeenth- and eighteenth-century writing of unimpeachable orthodoxy reference is made to anima mundi , a spirit pervading the world and supplying the continuing presence of God.
  10. A good system for storing electricity will not become possible before 1995, Meanwhile, the date for artificial intelligence is shunted back 20 years to 2020 and the time for weather control is 2030 instead of 2015, All kinds of obstacles, not so much technological as human and economic, have interfered with the 1962 predictions, as with many others that people have made with seemingly unimpeachable authority over the past 50 years.
  11. In its full-page and horrendously expensive advertisements in the national press, and now (the latest manifestation) in a booklet with a cover that at only a few metres distance looks like gold-tooled morocco, it comes perilously close to transgressing those rules of the Advertising Standards Authority that ensure that all ads are honest, fair, accurate, unimpeachable and altogether above reproach.
  12. By the second quarter of the century there were more examples of women writers whose morality was unimpeachable, including Elizabeth Rowe and Elizabeth Carter.
  13. Batterbee and his team tested six hypotheses with unimpeachable rigour: the first was that Scotland's lakes were naturally acid and had not changed; the second was that acidification was slow and pre-industrial; the third blamed changes in burning or grazing; the fourth implicated just conifer planting, and the fifth, decreased agricultural liming; only the sixth implicated acid deposition from the combustion of fossil fuels.

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