Перевод: uninfluenced
[прилагательное] не находящийся под влиянием; непредубежденный
- Freud did not hold that instincts directly caused behaviour, uninfluenced by the surrounding cultural values.
- But the ability to recognize a word as coming from the original list was uninfluenced by the change of context.
- Now if V and T are fixed, or are uninfluenced by M (i.e. V and T are independent of M), then the equation of exchange can be expressed as the quantity theory, which states that an increase/decrease in M will lead directly to an increase/ decrease in P .
- A key assumption is that the money supply is exogenous - uninfluenced by economic activity - but is controllable by the monetary authorities.
- That return was uninfluenced by expatriates such as T. S. Eliot or Ezra Pound but profoundly influenced by the British past.
- In our minds it is a fixed pattern that is uninfluenced by variations in the animal's personal environment.
- They have long incubation periods, often measured in years, but once manifested the disease usually progresses swiftly, without remission and uninfluenced by treatment, to death within a few months.
- The critic's standing is thereby reduced, and the description or evaluation of the prize works is less than likely to be uninfluenced by their new position.
- She may work within a paradigm, and not be uninfluenced by how her mind was formed as she grew up within the discipline of science.
- While the mini-skirts and The Beatles made the news, the mods, who were only newsworthy when they rioted at seaside towns, developed their own independent styles of dress relatively uninfluenced by popular fashion.
- Our author, entirely uninfluenced by the dismissive judgements of her distinguished compatriots Jacques Monod and Francois Jacob, hankers after evidence that lends colour to the possibility in principle of an imprinting of somatic characteristics upon the genome, believing in particular that the comparatively recent discovery of the possibility of mapping RNA upon DNA (" reverse transcription") entitles her to think in terms of "reverse translation" - that is a mapping of amino acid into nucleotide sequences.
- Carew's bleak diagnosis can hardly have been uninfluenced by several decades of mounting concern at the impermanence of non-agricultural employment compared with the stability of farmers fully occupied tending their land, and men continuously employed as servants in husbandry engaged for a year at a time.
- Bouton (e.g. 1988, 1990) has argued against this summation notion, pointing out that in his own experiments the size of the CR seems to be uninfluenced by the associative value of background cues.