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Перевод: unintelligible

неразборчивый; невразумительный


  1. And the over-use of an extra microphone, giving his voice the qualities of a US TV cop with a bull horn, made many of the lyrics unintelligible, removing the thrust of his carefully-penned portraits of despair.
  2. I had never heard anything like the Geordie accent before, and in the beginning it was unintelligible to me.
  3. Readers may still find, as I do, that some of the economic debate is unintelligible.
  4. Psychologists of vision, for example, have to think in terms of levels of representation that the nervous system computes and not to do so would be to render unintelligible the processes that occur between the transducing of light-rays into electrical impulses at the retina and the cortex recording the object as (say) a rigid cylinder rotating at such and such a distance from the viewing point.
  5. A bloodstained feather, an unintelligible note, and now an old glass ball, many weeks too early for Christmas.
  6. She was just very nearly unintelligible and her speech was full of that idiomatic ungrammaticalness which characterises the true dialect speaker.
  7. Suffolk, having no Hardy, has an accent which is less well known, but no less unintelligible, than that of Wessex.
  8. Ramsey was asked later, were you getting unintelligible, or was it only that the bishop was a bad listener to Holy Week addresses?
  9. Formed by the enigmatic Arthur Kadmon, Ludus became a vehicle for Linder's obscure and often unintelligible feminist lyrical and visual montages.
  10. Perhaps the most difficult problem to be coped with (apart from grammar and syntax which are quite outside the scope of this book) is that of semantic shift - the new meanings which Classical words acquired in medieval times, sometimes making them unintelligible to readers who remember only fragments of the language from their schooldays.
  11. It came, in English, to mean twittering in general; and in Middle English meant " unintelligible or meaningless talk or writing; nonsense, gibberish".
  12. Door after door, each bearing an unintelligible abbreviation for what each room behind it contained.
  13. His ears were filled with a great roaring, a voice only just discernible, but unintelligible, in its midst.

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