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Перевод: unjustifiable

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  1. Macarthy, the defence lawyer, found himself in the position of trying to defend the indefensible and justify the unjustifiable.
  2. Because of his Cartesianism, Malebranche could not go so far as to say that material objects were not really extended or in motion, but Pierre Bayle had argued that such restraint was unjustifiable.
  3. The logic of this approach, articulated by Home Secretary Douglas Hurd most clearly, was that the riots were both "unjustifiable" and a "criminal activity".
  4. Neglect, unjustifiable delay, incompetence, failure to observe relevant rules or procedures, or failure to take relevant considerations into account, are some examples of improper conduct.
  5. The Children's Legal Centre has argued that the practice of what it calls "mass detentions" should be prohibited altogether, because it is morally unjustifiable to punish a whole class for the actions of one or two of its members and likely to precipitate resentment among pupils.
  6. They found there had been no unjustifiable delay and said time had been needed to assemble evidence.
  7. The Emperor would have been saddened to know that Bismarck's manoeuvring had deceived Queen Victoria, who wrote to her daughter, the Crown Princess of Prussia, about " the unjustifiable conduct of the French and need I say what I feel?
  8. If one had reason to contribute only a little to the scheme this might show that the scheme is unjustifiable since it requires greater sacrifice than can be justified.
  9. Such a one may feel that Pound's "writing off" of England, his abandonment of her - physically in 1920, in imagination some years earlier - was abundantly justified, to the extent indeed that it was not so much his justified rejection of her, as her unjustifiable rejection of him .
  10. The point is rather that, even though knowingly taking risks with other people's lives is usually unjustifiable, taking a slight risk is less serious than intentionally causing death.
  11. (An additional consideration is that alcohol is often rationed on safety grounds, which many skiers of my acquaintance would judge to be an unjustifiable infringement of their liberty.)
  12. A new media law package was needed to guarantee freedom of expression and information and to liberalise the libel and contempt laws, balanced by a law to protect unjustifiable invasion of privacy.
  13. It was a tiny, unjustifiable triumph and he felt mean.

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