Перевод: unlearned
[прилагательное] неученый; неграмотный; невыученный; незаученный
- "Baffled by education without assignment or examination, without the learned doing the talking and the unlearned the listening, some critics have described Highlander's residential workshops as anti-intellectual gatherings where the exchange of anecdote passes for education.
- However, whatever has been learned can be unlearned.
- In verse and prose he was hell-bent on facing himself when things were out of joint; the scalpel-probe is counterbalanced by the unlearned, incurious manner in which he found deepest ease and joy out of doors - a way of healing he had discovered early in life, although he did not consider himself a naturalist.
- It may be that he was one of the many unlearned priests forced to absent themselves for the sake of their own education, but his going to Chester seems to suggest rather that he was both able and ambitious in the new province.
- He preached in Latin, French and "often for the benefit of the unlearned common people, in the mother tongue".
- Nature , produced by Robin Hellier, has a lot of pace as did Horizon's The Geneva event (BBC2, 24 January) What the latter did not have was much patience with the aspirant but relatively unlearned student of what is going on in the world of high energy physics The main Geneva event - the identification of the W subatomic particle which, with the Z, will enable the theory that the four fundamental forces of nature can be unified within a single framework to be sustained - has yet to be announced, though it is believed imminent Horizon had been patiently filming for four years.
- For though conflict arises often from the aggressive attitudes of others, it feeds not so much on this as on the learned and unlearned responses of our inner world.
- Bean, writing a year later in 1984, supported this view by saying that "when the adopted child is an older child who has already acquired a cultural background and a set of cultural responses, these will have to be unlearned if he or she is to acquire a new cultural identity".
- It is worth noting that what Lorenz meant by the memorable phrase was not that there were unlearned instructions for learning, but the instructions were adapted for their present use by natural selection.
- By writing his tracts in German, Luther had appealed to an unlearned audience as well as to sympathetic scholars.
- It was also a knowledge that could not be unlearned or removed from the human stockpile.
- John Wesley could admire the correctness with which an unlearned tinner speaks extemporare, but more typical of his class was the reaction of one of his opponents in a letter to the Bishop of Exeter.