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Перевод: unmanageable

трудно поддающийся контролю или обработке; трудный; непокорный


  1. Those in financial trouble who knew of the money advice services but chose to ignore them, or who were unaware of their existence, and as a result let their indebtedness, once just manageable, become unmanageable, were heading for real trouble.
  2. Rain is hard on your hands during ferreting, nets become unmanageable and less effective and it isn't possible either to kneel or lie on the ground in any comfort.
  3. Conversely, items used around the home, such as perfumes, aerosols and air-fresheners, may make the child more unmanageable than at school.
  4. Now, under the internal threat of unmanageable surpluses and external (mainly American) demands for cuts in its export subsidies, the Community is trying again.
  5. Ursula's bad back was religiously exposed to unmanageable African horses and jolting lorry rides.
  6. Typically a client will seek the help of a bureau when debt problems have become unmanageable for them, and the stress of trying to cope with perhaps a dozen competing creditors plus court summonses is threatening home life, health, housing and possibly employment.
  7. It is not viable to create agenda items which partners will find irrelevant or unmanageable.
  8. In this process, strong clashes of will are inevitable, but with luck parents and children will come out of the experience confident that their security is not jeopardized by conflict, and that seemingly unmanageable feelings and impulses can be harnessed and contained.
  9. Money has been lavished upon towers, spires, gargoyles, tracery, carved capitals and the general arrangements begin to approximate, in many instances, to those of a large parish church the plastered wall, the unmanageable oil-lamps, the varnished reading-desk, and the big black stove have vanished forever.
  10. In other words, two forces operate to raise the problems to be discussed: first, the natural desire to avoid awkward, embarrassing, or unmanageable social situations, situations which challenge the perception of the new role; and second, the almost perverse and in a way contradictory claim to be accepted totally and without reservation.
  11. Both sides know that "the best is the enemy of the good"; that the Services want reliable, cost-effective equipment without "gold plating" and that asking and striving "for the moon" leads to cancellation through costs becoming unmanageable.
  12. If the pack has become too big and unmanageable, the dominant male must spend all his time trying to control it.
  13. Then for a couple of years she helped set up a women's bookshop and caf run on high but unmanageable collective principles.

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