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Перевод: unmarried speek unmarried

неженатый; холостой; незамужняя


  1. Of unmarried women who became pregnant, the proportion who married the father before the baby was born fell from 40% in 1970 to 11% in 1988, whereas the proportion of pregnancies terminated by abortion rose from 24% to 37%.
  2. But this had been increasingly called into question: women campaigned for equality, divorced people and unmarried parents became more assertive, and theologians showed that what had been claimed as universal truths often arose from particular cultures and societies.
  3. Unmarried, his heir is his second cousin, once removed, Mr. Alfred Blacker who is believed to live in Hobart, Tasmania, where he was last heard of working as a Real Tennis professional.""
  4. A similar thing has happened to Ms , especially in Britain and Australia: instead of replacing Miss and Mrs it has been added to the system to make a further distinction, referring in many people's usage to older unmarried women, divorcees and "strident feminists" - in other words, to "abnormal" and "unfeminine" women who have not been able to get - or keep - a man.
  5. Lancashire-born Miss Richardson, who is unmarried, gained fame playing murderess Ruth Ellis in the film Dance With A Stranger.
  6. Those who said they would were unmarried or widowers and probably found the combination of housework, farmwork and off-farm work too demanding.
  7. The couple were told that Alex's natural mother was an unmarried rape victim who merely wanted a secure home for the child who would otherwise be condemned to an institution.
  8. Jean Campbell, in 1817, was an uneducated deaf person without any speech who could only write the initials of her name in reverse order, eg. C.J. She was an unmarried woman who had three children by different men, one of whom at the time of her arrest in April 1817 had been living with her as a common law husband but who had a few days earlier taken off the ring that he had given to her and which she wore on her finger in the fashion of a married woman, and had left home.
  9. He was unmarried and lived in a superlatively untidy one-room flat quite near the lab, to which he travelled by bicycle.
  10. The early modern English household listings show that over half (55 per cent) of all over-sixty-year-olds lived with relatives apart from their spouse, and by far the most common of these were unmarried children still living in the parental home.
  11. The recommendation would help married or unmarried partners whose homes are held in the other partner's name.
  12. Too many daughters needing dowries or annuities if they remained unmarried could spell disaster, as could an attempt to emulate a life style they could not really afford.
  13. Many of the indicators chosen are suspect, as Macnicol has shown for earlier periods, in that they simply count contact with state agencies, and it is a commonplace observation that the poor are more likely to be in contact with social workers because they are poor (Becker, 1988); young drug-takers in inner cities are more visible than wealthy socialites but drug-taking and drinking stretch across social groups (O'Bryan, 1989; Plant, 1989); desertion of women by husbands and the choice to remain unmarried are not restricted to the poor; and so on and so on.

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