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Перевод: unmeasured

неизмеренный; неизмеримый; безмерный; чрезмерный; непомерный


  1. The scratching of poultry in fields and the value of their droppings add an unmeasured profit.
  2. This is not a problem that is confined to the sociology of religion, but it is one that arises frequently when students wish to study "closed" sects or new religions which they believe (probably quite correctly) would not allow them to carry out their research - there is an unmeasured but, I suspect, strong relationship between the theological conservatism of a religion and the distrust with which its believers view sociologists.
  3. " "All the unmeasured ether flames with light."
  4. It doesn't include the unregistered and unmeasured unemployed - women with men who have to maintain them or claim for them, and those whose dole is exhausted but who are disqualified from supplementary benefit because they live with wage-earners.)
  5. Time unmeasured time slid away.
  6. These could be utilized to estimate values for unmeasured situations or for unknown time periods despite the black box nature of this functional approach, and finally there were endeavours to proceed towards a more realist explanation.
  7. Much of it is unstructured and unmeasured, and in consequence overlooked and under-rated.
  8. Myth's half-life is as yet unmeasured.
  9. There can be unestimated value in the same sense that there can be unknown truths and unmeasured dimensions.
  10. Such unmeasured selectivity processes are operating in most social research.
  11. Consciousness or "life force" is being increasingly seen by Western thinkers as an expression of a higher, more subtle, unseen and therefore unmeasured, spiritual field of force.
  12. Britain is almost unique in continuing to charge almost all its domestic customers on an unmeasured basis.
  13. A man like Mr Silvester Horne is regarded by his congregation with feelings of almost unmeasured adoration, due to the fact that he and they are really opening the book of life for the first time together and comparing impressions.

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