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Перевод: unmerciful speek unmerciful

безжалостный; немилосердный; нещадный; беспощадный


  1. In the parable of the unmerciful servant which (not without reason) comes immediately before Jesus's teaching on divorce, Jesus strongly emphasises the responsibility to forgive from the heart (Matt. 18:35).
  2. Despite Knox's fulminations against "that cruel tyrant and unmerciful hypocrite", the archbishop of St Andrews, and the "woman born to dissemble and deceive", Mary of Guise, it was in fact an act quite out of character of both archbishop and regent, neither of whom showed any taste for persecution.
  3. Later on - days, he thought glumly - they moved into the dining room, which was an equally august and unmerciful place.
  4. When I finally arrived back at the Bible Room, headvoice was giving me unmerciful stick:

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