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Перевод: unobtainable

недостижимый; недоступный


  1. She kindly lent me dishes and pans, which were almost unobtainable, and in any case needed coupons for their purchase.
  2. Arsenic is very volatile and was unobtainable by ancient smelting techniques, but arsenic minerals commonly occur in association with copper ores and an alloy with a few per cent can be obtained by smelting these.
  3. Statistics on building surveyors prior to the formation of the Division are unobtainable, since they were merely defined as general practitioners.
  4. Alarm clocks were unobtainable, so I had brought one from home, antiquated and enormous, with a bell like a fire-alarm, and I used to lie tense and rigid waiting for it to ring.
  5. Dana got an allowance from home: his father was a government official; his mother worked as a teacher - she sent him wads of onion-skin typing paper that were then unobtainable in Europe, and also drugs, bottles of Dexedrine.
  6. Many of the items were unobtainable.
  7. The real problems arose when that something was unobtainable.
  8. Such a grand unified theory (GUT) would describe phenomena that take place at energies unobtainable in any accelerator.
  9. "Crying for the Moon" (wanting the unobtainable) for example, is the basis of a fairy tale in many countries.
  10. In some cases this most durable, but increasingly unobtainable, material is used as a capping ridge to a thatch of Norfolk reed.
  11. But she was unobtainable.
  12. After obtaining first the engaged tone and then the unobtainable tone - that would not happen now after privatisation - the caller was finally connected to an answerphone which said: "This is Tim and Bridie Wallis's number.
  13. He was unobtainable.

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