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Перевод: unprincipled speek unprincipled

беспринципный; безнравственный


  1. It would be unprincipled, and undemocratic to take that view."
  2. he incurs Liberal criticism because he sometimes acts like an unprincipled and like an undependable person.
  3. It is easy to assume that people were therefore pursuing their own interests, were unprincipled when they went about their politicking.
  4. "I put it to you," some old goat would bleat from under his wig, "that these scheming, unprincipled charlatans, stopping at nothing to come by their ill-gotten gains, forged the very hand of a peer of the realm in a dastardly conspiracy to frustrate the worthy efforts of their local benefactor."
  5. For example, in his elegant and profound book, The Unprincipled Society , Marquand wrote that "a flourishing community will be a mosaic of smaller collectivities, where the skills of self-government may be learned and practised."
  6. The two main parties, defined by Ireland's civil-war allegiances in the 1920s, coexist in a murky world of unprincipled favour-mongering.
  7. The argument that Labour should not organise in Northern Ireland because there would be little support for it is particularly unprincipled.
  8. This unprincipled position was sharply attacked by the Irish News, the nationalist newspaper which has been standard reading for the Catholic community in the North for the best part of a century.
  9. Naturally they took what was on offer, and no doubt thoroughly enjoyed the experience - just as a later Scottish politician, James VI, did when he collected 58,000 in pensions from the notoriously parsimonious Elizabeth, without feeling any need to deviate from the path which suited him and his kingdom, and without being regarded as particularly unprincipled.
  10. Labour leaders were strongly criticised for embracing an "unprincipled" U-turn away from unilateralism in an attempt to win votes at the next election.
  11. The extension of the Tory Party to Northern Ireland starkly highlights Labour's unprincipled behaviour.
  12. The public's dislike of unprincipled press behaviour has sometimes been expressed in the award of erratically large libel damages.
  13. As things stand at present, the Labour Party uses three spurious reasons to justify its unprincipled boycott of Northern Ireland:

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