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Перевод: unpromising speek unpromising

не подающий никаких надежд; не обещающий ничего хорошего; неутешительный


  1. Irish horses have found Aintree unpromising territory, but Laura's Beau and the talented Rawhide could make an impact.
  2. This book has an unpromising genesis.
  3. Was it really God's grace after all, to use this unpromising Mary to break Mrs Turpin's view of things?
  4. It is implausible that, having received a fat return yesterday, investors will meekly shovel tomorrow's cash into an unpromising project.
  5. The illusionism which conjures a complete and natural (I would prefer apocalypticnatural) city out of materials as unpromising as the colour yellow, also yields up Raskolnikov like a natural secretion, and this vouchsafing process encompasses and transcends the resources both of first- and third-person narrative.
  6. Conducting a graduate seminar on the unpromising topic of textual variants he would hold the room spellbound for two hours by his unforced erudition.
  7. Joan had an eye which knew what to do with apparently unpromising houses.
  8. Raised beds built down an unpromising alley could provide extra gardening space.
  9. But, as earlier sections in this chapter have demonstrated, a decade earlier prospects for the District's future prosperity and work were unpromising and its autonomous existence open to serious doubt on occasions.
  10. There was, in truth, little initiative that any British government could offer in the unpromising circumstances of 1977-;8.
  11. Tense thriller concocted out of the most unpromising elements: three characters, two boats, and a lot of water.
  12. However, even with this unpromising start, more could possibly have been achieved with a leadership less trapped in its own class origins.
  13. Alison Fiske plays the housekeeper Mrs Pearce like the brisk and plummy matron of an exclusive girls' boarding school, while Robin Bailey offers continuous delight as a ripe and fruity Col Pickering, finding humour in even the most unpromising lines.

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