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Перевод: unquestioned

неопрошенный; не вызывающий сомнения; неоспариваемый


  1. As a result the validity of the trust goes unquestioned.
  2. When Ronald Gregory, the ex-chief constable of West Yorkshire, said little or nothing new about the "Yorkshire Ripper case" in a series of newspaper articles, he was castigated in Police Review (1 July 1983) and they republished a 1979 photograph of him when "his loyalty was unquestioned".
  3. An unquestioned hegemony.
  4. Finally, to the unquestioned hero of the hour, the Prime Minister Mr John Major.
  5. Although written with unquestioned partisan commitment to the WEA, the letter reflected some of the fundamental weaknesses redolent of the earlier dissatisfaction which had prompted Mansbridge to write his historic articles in the University Extension Journal in 1903.
  6. It had been part of the creed of childhood, indeed, the whole of life, unquestioned as so many other maxims were unquestioned, respect for parents and elders, the courtesy of men towards women and the inferiority of women to men, and original sin.
  7. In that period of the early development of the state, the nationalist ideal was almost totally unquestioned.
  8. He did so partly by relying on the unquestioned fact that death and violence were an integral element in many books which were already on the way to becoming children's classics; from a list compiled rather later in the century one might cite Grimm's Fairy Tales, Hans Andersen's and the expurgated Arabian Nights.
  9. There is an unquestioned presumption here, which pervades current thinking about the police from all perspectives: that the effectiveness and quality of policing have declined.
  10. Germans now are Europeans in a way they were not before, and indeed the demand of East Germans that they be allowed to be Europeans, with the same wide-ranging and unquestioned rights to travel, study, and residence as the rest of us was both a catalyst and an indication of how much things have changed.
  11. As though heat were an unquestioned good.
  12. The Easter rising of 1916 as an act of national liberation, unquestioned in the dominant catholic - nationalist culture from 1922 until well into the 1960s and 1970s, still holds a cherished place in the hearts of the majority of the people.

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