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Перевод: unreadable

неразборчивый; непригодный для чтения; неудобочитаемый; скучный


  1. As with imaginative literature, readers of factual works are divided between those who find an ill-written work virtually unreadable (probably a fairly small percentage) and those who are largely indifferent to matters of writing style (probably the big majority).
  2. Only 4% of photographs were unreadable.
  3. The next book may also be unreadable, and its author prickly, but maybe not: it could be a great work of literature, or politics, or science - or religion.
  4. An unreadable sector sends the message "I cannot read that".
  5. ZIG ZAG (2): Watered down relaunch notable for high Goth content and astonishingly unreadable layouts.
  6. A foam mattress was still saturated and a bottle of Johnson's Baby Sun Block was unreadable because of the blood.
  7. Indeed, in 1604 the earl of Essex's love letters were described by a contemporary as "written in such a ragged Roman hand" as to be quite unreadable.
  8. The squashed chicken featured on the front of this year's D AD postal entry form in a photograph taken by Tomoko Yoneda; the poor fowl was apparently being pinned to a padlocked door by a ghostly hand, and was accompanied by a typographical fiesta which was practically unreadable.
  9. The best known of them was Dornford Yates, author of the now unreadable but once hugely read Berry and Co stories.
  10. Usually, his face was as unreadable as a mummy's bandage mask.
  11. To make amends, I swapped all my unreadable but expensive book prizes for one life-size poster of Captain Kirk in a typical phasering pose.
  12. Retinal photographs were taken by a trained ophthalmic photographer and photographs were classified into five groups (no abnormality, background changes, maculopathy or proliferative retinopathy, other eye disease, and cataracts, or unreadable) by specialists in diabetes in conjunction with consultant ophthalmologists when required.
  13. The motorwagons were full of smiling, unreadable pilgrims in black, presumably joyous at being so close to their destination, Salt Lake City.

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