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Перевод: unroll speek unroll

развертывать; развертываться


  1. Unroll the carpet and let it get acclimatised to the room's atmosphere and temperature overnight before laying.
  2. But at the Redgrave you sit back and watch an unarguable Macbeth unroll.
  3. Unroll that map of England, Mr Patten.
  4. (b) Pull back the spent reverse punch, using this action to help unroll the back fist.
  5. Flex your elbow strongly as the punch thrusts out, then use its subsequent pull-back to help unroll the strike.
  6. The best part of the meal was the coffee and slivovi I nursed while I watched the charade unroll.
  7. Brush on one coat of the liquid, and then unroll and bed the membrane in this layer before covering it with two further coats.
  8. Gray's "Elegy", of course, can be read as a lament for the undeveloped mind: "But knowledge to their eyes her ample page / Rich with the spoils of time did ne'er unroll
  9. When disturbed they roll up so tightly that it is virtually impossible to unroll them.
  10. She stood up and let it unroll before her to shout its hideous message for itself.
  11. To serve, remove the cocktail sticks and unroll.
  12. To sit in a plush cinema with Anna, Mama and Konstantin on the first night, watching the titles unroll!
  13. Try this delicious quick dessert: unroll a bought chocolate swiss roll.

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