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Перевод: unruly speek unruly

непокорный; непослушный; буйный


  1. At this point all three friends felt an unruly wave of amusement sweeping over them, and the rest of the fire-drill was spent desperately avoiding each other's eyes in case a fit of the giggles should descend, and they were all agreed (especially Mildred) that this would definitely not be the thing to do.
  2. He won his first Scottish cap in 1965 against Spain by which time he was known as "the prince of nigglers", and one of the most unruly players in the professional game.
  3. She was not alone, of course, in making the unwarranted assumption that an unruly Scots noble was in some way a fundamentally different and far more dangerous animal than an unruly French, or English, one; generations of historians, up to modern times, have seriously distorted the history of Scotland by taking exactly that view.
  4. Suzie dragged her unruly locks to the nape of her neck and snapped a clip across the tangles, scowling at the dishevelled effect her best efforts always created.
  5. Next to it is The Little Hall, dating from the fourteenth century, with its floorboards gleaming with the patina of age, low-beamed ceilings and a tiny, unruly, charming walled garden.
  6. It may have been an aristocratic lite, but it was also unruly, unpredictable, and extremely difficult to manage.
  7. Later they had deteriorated into wild, unruly free-fights for bullies, in which any violence was allowed and often the losers were killed.
  8. Meanwhile, the unruly people of Rome, currently opposed to the Pope, suggested that it would suit them better to confirm the imperial crown upon Barbarossa.
  9. Not all young people are unruly, rude, and uninformed.
  10. In the first published street legislation, during the reign of Henry III, the new halberds were formally required to "keep in order the unruly".
  11. By this time, we got the impression that the gulf between Walworth Road and Streatham was so great, it was like trying to control unruly hill tribes beyond Hadrian's Wall.
  12. There were never enough masters to control the unruly mobs of boys, and the enlistment of prefects to the cause of authority was at best an ambiguous achievement: they were boys, too.
  13. He paused only to smooth down his unruly black hair and tuck his vest into his pants before groping his way down the long dark corridor to the kitchen door.

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