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Перевод: unscathed speek unscathed



  1. TUESDAY: Robson comes through unscathed against Portsmouth, as United go through on aggregate.
  2. Having survived these and further political turmoil at home today's DGSE has emerged remarkably unscathed.
  3. The England captain had not allowed Salisbury to escape totally unscathed, however.
  4. Mark escaped unscathed thanks to a fast-talking Indonesian who was with him on the expedition.
  5. Pearce, who was suffering from an ankle injury, came through unscathed and will be joining the England party at Burnham Beeches, Buckinhamshire, today.
  6. He had come unscathed through all his ops and then was reluctantly persuaded to become Navigation Officer, but he couldn't bear being grounded.
  7. After the first winter of the war in the east, Hitler's popularity was unbroken, if not completely unscathed.
  8. States escaped relatively unscathed last year; not so cities and counties, which are less constrained by the law in matters of budgetary irresponsibility.
  9. It is true they did not survive unscathed and that the Bodleian Library was founded well after the Reformation, but many a manuscript discarded from the monasteries fetched up in the possession of one of the colleges, and private men such as Sir Thomas Bodley soon repaired the broken links.
  10. Mr Ashdown, who was the first to run the gauntlet on Granada TV's World in Action, escaped relatively unscathed though he was accused of seeking to "blackmail" the country by insisting on proportional representation as his price for a coalition.
  11. Following an apparent deal between guerrillas of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front and the Salvadorean army, 12 US Green Beret commandos emerged unscathed from behind barricades in the hotel's VIP annexe.
  12. They promised that if their cathedral came through unscathed, they would dedicate a window in gratitude to the Royal Air Force.
  13. Amazingly, we arrived unscathed in Wenceslas Square and I set off to find the edok offices to arrange accommodation.

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