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Перевод: unsightly speek unsightly

уродливый; вызывающий отвращение своим видом; неприглядный


  1. Light and invigorating, it is specifically designed to combat skin "sponginess", the unsightly dimpling that can occur especially on buttocks and thighs.
  2. ESTATE agents' boards are the unsightly flotsam on a rising tide of home ownership.
  3. Cracks look unsightly, and may also cause instability.
  4. Wind farms could soon become an unsightly blot on Britain's landscape
  5. At Hull, unsightly old derelict warehouses and docks are being converted into yachting marinas in the heart of the city.
  6. If the wrong kind of shale or filling is placed under a concrete floor or the foundations, it will cause these to heave like a sponge pudding; and a missing or defective damp-proof course will result in damp walls, unsightly marks and crumbling plaster.
  7. The masts may seem unsightly to those unused to them, but I am sure it is simply a matter of getting accustomed.
  8. Even females suffering from anorexia nervosa tend to view their thin, frail bodies as fat and unsightly.
  9. One girl's facial impetigo had to be painted with ointment that stung the scabs and branded her with unsightly violet-coloured splotches for several weeks.
  10. The most common mistake with these cleaners is to be too heavy-handed, which can faintly score the surface, or to rub blades and spoon bowls in an irregular pattern and therefore cause unsightly marks.
  11. Too much sun, however, gives rise to "a redundant and unsightly vapour".
  12. Islanders see it as water intermittently disrupted by unsightly deposits of earth.
  13. They picked up power from a spider's web of unsightly overhead wires.

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