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Перевод: unstained



  1. We describe the application of nuclear microscopy to the analysis of in situ neuritic plaque cores using both stained and unstained AD tissue.
  2. Because the analysis of unstained AD tissue using the sensitive techniques of nuclear microscopy does not indicate increased levels of aluminium in neuritic plaque cores, we now believe that previous evidence that aluminium is involved in the aetiology of Alzheimer's disease should be reviewed to take into account the probable contamination of tissue by alumino- silicates present in most reagents.
  3. His upward career was not unstained.
  4. The butler's bed of unstained holly wood.
  5. If the article was unstained, and was finished with a clear coating, the damaged area can be filled up by repeated applications of a clear polyurethane, transparent French polish or cold cure lacquer.
  6. Much later Gandalf in the "Song of Lrien" confirms, "Unmarred, unstained is leaf and land".
  7. STIM image of a core-containing neuritic plaque from freeze-dried unstained tissue.
  8. 9 Simon Horn Furniture now has a range of reproduction French beds; this Lit Bateau is veneered with unstained, unsealed cherrywood ready for finishing.
  9. Whereas science had been unstained by cruelty, hands in the Vatican had been steeped in blood.
  10. Figure 2 shows a typical STIM image of a plaque in unstained tissue, together with the corresponding elemental maps of S, P, C and N. The results of analyses on unstained tissue is shown in Table 2, which indicates that aluminium was not observed in any of the neuritic plaque cores scanned, at a sensitivity of 15p.p.m.
  11. Nuclear microscopical investigations using unstained tissue were carried out on more than 80 plaque cores from the temporal cortex and hippocampus of four cases of AD and two aged controls.
  12. Anatomical studies have depended on various ways of making visible one cell body and all its processes, while leaving other cells unstained.

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