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Перевод: unstressed speek unstressed

безударный; неподчеркнутый; ненапряженный


  1. "Pupils who write could of are applying good phonic principles of writing," wrote one trendy clown of an educationist, "because they always hear the unstressed "have" of "could have" reduced in pronunciation" (yes, on radio and TV - and, if you ask me, this asda be bad).
  2. This is because in English the vowel sound in the unstressed syllable almost always sounds the same - like the -er in butter when people talk.
  3. These words show very clearly the difficulty of the unstressed syllable.
  4. The unstressed syllables, although unstressed, do not get squeezed together as in a stress timed language, but are still distinctly pronounce.
  5. In all cases the error is in the vowel-sound in the unstressed syllable (see What goes wrong? page 6).
  6. Thus the edges were largely unstressed.
  7. In one sense, the error to be noted is the unstressed syllable rather than the others: plain for plane is understandable.
  8. If, on the other hand, there are many unstressed syllables between the stressed ones, then the unstressed ones are squeezed together, so that the time between the stresses is approximately the same as it was in the first example (see the sentence The weather we had last summer was awful).
  9. Whilst water stress periods depressed production of wheat grown under normal carbon dioxide levels, wheat grown under 1000 ppm of carbon dioxide produced as much as unstressed plants grown at the current atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, and remained turgid at moisture levels that wilted their unexposed counterparts.
  10. (aeroplane) The errors are in the unstressed syllable, and the unexpectedness of the ae and the plane is confusing.
  11. Health is described by phrases such as being happy, being unstressed and being able to cope.
  12. We want to get people back in as orderly, humane and unstressed way as possible."
  13. The second most common error after the unstressed syllable: shining becomes shinning dropped becomes droped furry becomes fury later becomes latter.

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