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Перевод: unthinkable speek unthinkable

невообразимый; немыслимый; неправдоподобный; невероятный


  1. But then the unthinkable happened.
  2. The country was in the middle of a world recession with unemployment well above two million and looking set to break the three million mark, a prospect that a few years before would have seemed unthinkable.
  3. This sudden glasnost, unthinkable a week ago, was evidently the result of the Politburo statement on Wednesday calling for discussion of the country's problems and for media that were "close to life".
  4. And there is an increasing number of instances of assault at work targeted at community nurses and staff on accident and emergency units in hospital (Finney, 1988), a circumstance which would have been almost unthinkable even a decade ago.
  5. Others may feel that the cage has become, or is becoming, somewhat more explicit as a result of central government activity - leading to an emphasis upon the direct controls which would have appeared as unthinkable only a decade ago.
  6. But once our hero was free and the villain disposed of, M always granted him "passionate leave", thus setting the seal of HMG's approval on well-earned fornication, unthinkable in Colonel Buchan's day.
  7. One of these areas was Russia, especially because the interest that his work had aroused there made him consider the previously unthinkable possibility of a communist revolution occurring in that country.
  8. In the early 1980s, there had been a noticeably leftwards swing in some urban authorities, and to some councils the idea of upholding an initiative apparently rooted in the laissez-faire capitalism of the nineteenth century was unthinkable.
  9. She added that the number of people who opted for cremation was increasing although there was still a section of society to whom cremation was unthinkable.
  10. For a nation which had fought a costly war of survival and independence to invite back the very presence which threatened national existence was, and remained unthinkable.
  11. It was unthinkable to begin walking before knowing the repair was complete, so I sat glumly on the wheelbarrow which we had lifted off the trailer.
  12. During the close season in 1990 the unthinkable happened.
  13. Although pumping out water can bring problems if aquifers do not have a chance to recharge, groundwater is such an enormous resource that it would be unthinkable for us to stop using it.

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