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Перевод: untrained

необученный; неподготовленный


  1. What firm is going to take on an untrained man in his forties at a time when it is being forced to lay off people who have been with their business for years?
  2. Although residential and day-care staff have been a priority target for training in many departments, the vast majority are untrained, except for the offices in charge.
  3. They saw themselves, untrained in guerrilla warfare and with inadequate equipment, being pitted against the armour-piercing bullets and landmines of the Provisional IRA while the remaining troops stayed in the background, protected, it was assumed, by a secret understanding between the NIO and the Provisionals.
  4. The author of a social study of Norwich reasoned that as "Unemployment is partly a problem of education", so "a half-trained or untrained man cannot adapt himself easily and rapidly to the endless changes of production under modern conditions."
  5. Hostel staff, poorly paid and untrained, were under pressure from the subcommittee, the school and the local community, so that they erred on the side of caution in everything, thus frustrating the pupils.
  6. The small percentage of jobs he speaks of being created are all highly skilled, whereas the majority of the unemployed are untrained, unskilled, and have not the qualifications for further training.
  7. There are large numbers of untrained or lowly trained teachers and in certain situations, as in Nigeria and Kenya, percentages of untrained teachers have increased in the face of rapid rises in primary enrolments.
  8. One of the reasons for his having such innovative ideas was that he was almost untrained, some would say untrainable, and laughed (extremely annoyingly at the time) at his elders and betters and their obsessions with sketching and learning the orders.
  9. She was an untrained actress who was given an enormous task of carrying so many episodes in the early days."
  10. Uderzo, like Goscinny, was untrained.
  11. The monitoring process is not an end in itself, and the resulting audit identified training needs for trained and untrained nursing home staff.
  12. Musical ethnologists will no doubt pull their hair out at eh mere thought of such cross-cultural impurity, but the results sound pretty good to my untrained ears.
  13. However, the regional government could not afford to take them over, so many of these community schools were overcrowded, under-funded, with too few, and untrained teachers.

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