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Перевод: unwholesome speek unwholesome

нездоровый; неполезный; вредный


  1. Where Roberts had commended Prince Albert's provision of three bedrooms because the use of the living-room as sleeping quarters led to unwholesome crowding, the realists began to point out that the crowding occurred in any case, since even those who could afford to rent the extra rooms, could not afford to furnish them.
  2. "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
  3. I wish to join the Legion of Decency, which condemns vile and unwholesome moving pictures.
  4. "A healthy situation should be the first object that ought to fix the attention of the Society -because there is no person but is very well convinced that a marshy and low Ground exhales very unwholesome and putrid vapours which affect the bodies of individuals that may be exposed to their action either through the pores or attracted by the breath, or otherways by the Food and Drink-if these particles will affect healthy bodies, their effect must be much more pernicious on diseased animals, therefore the Veterinary Infirmary should not be established in an atmosphere continually charged with particles destructive to health.
  5. Whereas very many Empiricks and unskilful and ignorant Men do abide in our City of London which are not well instructed in the Art of Mystery of Apothecaries, but do make and compound many unwholesome, hurtful, deceiptful, corrupt and dangerous medicines and the same do sell and daily transmit to the great peril and daily hazard of the lives of our subjects
  6. Unwholesome pink and yellow candies were sold from trays.
  7. One of the 18th century bylaws was "that no person corrupt the town beck by letting into it stinking or hurtful water or washing unwholesome things in the same."
  8. Yet, as we have seen, there are some very unwholesome things in our drinking water supplies, from pesticides to nitrates, metals and cancer-causing residues of plastic and bitumen.
  9. If they do not have enough hay or pasture they are liable to get intestinal problems, sometimes caused by eating inappropriate or unwholesome substances such as fence posts or mouldy hay.
  10. Unopened windows, and stale food, combined to give a stuffy, unwholesome aroma to the place.
  11. In his preface to the translation he wrote, "In the Scriptures be the fat pastures of the soul; therein is no venomous meat, no unwholesome thing; they be the very dainty and pure feeding."
  12. There are those who give little of the much which they have - and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gift unwholesome.
  13. Now that isolation is over South Africa's unwholesome pre-eminence in making money and fame out of the game for a few over-exposed players (at the expense of enjoyment of the game for the many) could be infectious.

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