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Перевод: valence speek valence



  1. Almost half the book is concerned with "applications", but these are theoretical applications of quantum mechanics, and this book is not so useful as such classic works as C. A. Coulson's Valence .
  2. Meagrely so for his contemporary, Yeremi Valence, son of technicians domiciled on the lower hab level of Trazior.
  3. In the secret sign language of the Valence family gang, a hand imitating a spider signified many meanings.
  4. "Come on, before it crowds up," Biff Tundrish said, with something of a sneer, to Valence.
  5. At the end of the first hour of prayer the Sergeant who had branded Lexandro - Sergeant Zed Juron - summoned him and Valence and Tundrish and another cadet, Omar Akbar, the number that would make a squad of Scouts, in fact.
  6. Special mention made of Johnathan Fuller and Lynn Whybourn who had assisted with services at Newton Valence, Helena Hunt and others had helped at Lord Mayor Treloar Hospital, Alton and Pam Smith who had played regularly at Bramdean.
  7. Only one Valence had returned, to die slowly of poisons he had absorbed during the long march.
  8. And his prayer seemed to have been amply answered when the Planetary Guard came for the Valence gang; though, as is the way with prayers which are answered, there was cause for woe too - for the Valences were to be stripped of their best young fighters.
  9. Judicious use of this "band gap engineering", which calls for sound physical chemistry, allows the exploitation of valence to conduction band switching of electrons.
  10. When light shines on it, electrons are excited out of the material's valence band into the conduction band.
  11. Yeremi Valence reported that his meal had swum in foetid swamps beneath a blue sun.
  12. As Valence obeyed, the paraplegic's fingers clawed at the air, as though inscribing some complex, arcane pattern.
  13. Without moving his lips, Lexandro threw his voice ever so softly towards Valence, imitating the extech's accent.

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