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Перевод: Venezuela speek Venezuela

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  1. Amazon, Brazil, Venezuela, distributed throughout S. America.
  2. The presidents of seven Latin American contries (Peru, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico) gather on Wednesday in Ica, an oasis in the desert south of Lima, for two days of talks focusing on the foreign debt and drug trafficking.
  3. Among the nations that provide no information on incidental catch in gill-nets are: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines, Surinam, the Malagasy Republic, Papua New Guinea, Brazil, Argentina, the French Antilles, Venezuela, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, the Somali Republic, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Kampuchea, and Vietnam.
  4. Under Venezuela's five year plan for 1984-;1989 the profile of debt payments allows for annual growth of 2.5 - 5.5% but whether this can be achieved is highly dependent on oil prices and quotas since oil accounts for over 90% of exports.
  5. The United States will sign, along with Cuba and Nicaragua: Colombia, Venezuela, and Guyana, each of which claim parts of one another's territories, will join forces.
  6. There are, at the present time, 190,000 Madeirans in Venezuela.
  7. Sherds of such pottery have been found on sites along the eastern seaboard of the United States, including Florida, the Caribbean islands and parts of South America such as Venezuela.
  8. After Itaipu Venezuela's Guri hydro-electric scheme is the largest in South America.
  9. Venezuela stands in sharp contrast because the banks see it as a better bet than Mexico.
  10. Costa Rica and Venezuela issued cautious statements criticising the use of force, and despite phone calls from Mr Bush and the Secretary of State, Mr James Baker, there were signs Brazil and Argentina were preparing critical statements.
  11. JESUS ROJAS, of Venezuela, won the World Boxing Association flyweight title from Fidel Bassa, of Colombia, after 12 rugged rounds in front of the champion's home crowd, in Barranquilla, on Saturday night.
  12. He had been born in Tucupita and had grown up there in the region of Venezuela where the great Paraqua river met the Orinoco and flowed into the Delta of the Orinoco where the sea moved on to Trinidad.
  13. Venezuela, a fierce critic of Gen Noriega, said the invasion should be condemned and rejected.

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