v va vb ve vf vh vi vl vm vn vo vp vr vs vt vu

Перевод: velar speek velar

задненебный; велярный;
задненебный звук; велярный звук


  1. Furthermore, bearing in mind the reservations about changes in different varieties that I expressed in section 5.2 above, the early date suggested here for the loss of the velar fricative does not affect the fact that there are dialects of English (in Lowland Scotland) which have not yet lost the fricative.
  2. How, for example, could an outsider know that normative consensus in the speech community does not permit backing in velar environments or fronting in most other environments, or that sonorants followed by voiceless obstruents predict a front vowel?
  3. It is clear that some variables in English do function in a very general way: for example, variation between the alveolar and velar nasal in the present participle ending (ing) is universal and can be said to mark the whole English-speaking world as a single speech community.
  4. Our quantified investigations (for example, J. Milroy, 1984), however, have repeatedly demonstrated that the only environments that show a consistent front-raising pattern are these velar environments; thus, while it affects the whole phoneme /ae/ in conservative RP, it is confined to velar environments for most Belfast speakers.
  5. An example of this is variation between low and mid-front realizations of /a/ before velar consonants in words of the type rag, pack, bang , which show only slight differences in terms of age and sex within inner-city Belfast.
  6. A second example concerns the pronunciation of /a/ before velar consonants in words of the type rag, pack, bang .
  7. The fronting and raising rule in Belfast vernacular is virtually confined to velar environments and cannot apply to such words as bad, hand, stab (which are front in RP).
  8. The study of (ht) in Havelok is of course relevant to the date at which the velar fricative x before t (in right, might , etc.) was lost in English.
  9. On the contrary, his remarks suggest that the Ulster tendency was towards fronting and raising and that the most salient Belfast feature was fronting and raising in velar environments (1860: 15).
  10. However, inner-city speakers normally, and quite consistently, have ae and in items where the vowel precedes a velar consonant (as noted above), and I have sometimes been told that this is affected by RP.
  11. Loss of the velar fricative is a change that was finally adopted in near-standard vernaculars and formal styles.
  12. It is characteristic of the inner-city vernacular that a noticeably clear (palatal) l is pre-vocalic but that a noticeably dark (velar) l is post-vocalic.

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