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Перевод: veterinary speek veterinary

ветеринар ; ветеринарный врач


  1. The area of ground selected was described somewhat imprecisely as: "All that piece of ground situate north of Fig Lane now Crowndale Road St Pancras extending northwards from thence 650 feet on average abutting Eastwards on the Church path leading to Kentish Town and is in a parallel breadth 270 feet abutting Westward on other Ground intended and agreed to be used as Garden Ground by the said Messrs. Kirkman and Hendy or the Undertenants and no buildings to be erected thereon which shall raise more than 12 feet above the present surface and nearer than 80 feet to the ground hereby lett and that they will reserve a Street or way 60 feet wide at the least at the northern extremity of the said ground and that the said Messrs. Kirkman and Hendy do engage to lett to the Veterinary College a piece or any part of their ground at any time within twelve months which they the College shall determine upon a ranging line with the north extremity of the piece already described at and after the rate of 30 per acre nett which are the same terms as the ground described and mentioned are lett at and also at and upon the same reservation of the pepper corn Rent."
  2. Veterinary examination revealed the true identity of the horse and led to a spell in Maidstone jail for Willett.
  3. The received opinion among veterinary surgeons who have given any thought to the role of John Hunter in the early life of the Veterinary College agrees with the statement expressed in 1831 by Youatt, that Hunter was the "life and soul" of the founding and development of the London Veterinary College.
  4. The following account is largely drawn from Sherwin Hall's article in Veterinary History (Summer 1984).
  5. Vial was invited to supervise the autopsy, which was performed (whether in part or as a whole is not clear) by Edmund Bond (later to be the first pupil to obtain a certificate from the medical examining committee of the London Veterinary College in 1794).
  6. In 1906 the College became a school of the University of London, with recognised teachers and could prepare candidates for the university's BSc (Veterinary Science) degree as well as carrying out its basic function of training candidates for the diploma of membership of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
  7. History Of Veterinary Medicine (permanent) Gory display of veterinary instruments and anatomical model of a horse.
  8. (If government would support a veterinary school in Edinburgh, why did it not do so in London, or was it simply not asked?).
  9. "As the intention of the Society is to form Veterinary Physicians and Surgeons intended to be dispersed throughout the Kingdom to exercise usefully their art, the Professor will teach the residing pupils only the most important difference between the two medicines-that of the human body, and that of Cattle-he will confine himself strictly to the teaching of the Veterinary Science."
  10. "I will now beg leave to make some observations on the distance of the Veterinary College from the Town-first-because the Society has no rival to dread in an establishment of this nature-secondly-whether the Infirmary is situated a Mile further or nearer it will not prevent people of sense from sending their Horses there-thirdly-the resident pupils being distant from places of dissipation, it will protect their morals and they will employ their time in study.
  11. A detailed account of the first half-century of the history of the College, up to the foundation of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, which took over the College's examining functions in 1844, was given by Leslie Pugh (1895-;1983) in his book From Farriery to Veterinary Medicine , published by Heffer of Cambridge in 1962 The books by Iain Pattison on the development of the veterinary profession, and on Principal McFadyean, are invaluable sources of information.
  12. Veterinary standards in Denmark are very high and serious cattle diseases (including brucellosis, tuberculosis and foot-and-mouth) are unknown, so that there is considerable potential for export.
  13. Each of the Pet Value policies - insuring a cat or dog - including one year's cover for veterinary fees, both conventional treatment and complementary medicines - physiotherapy, acupuncture, herbal and homoeopathic medicine - up to 1,875.

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