Перевод: vex
[глагол] досаждать; раздражать; сердить; дразнить; без конца обсуждать; дебатировать; беспокоить; волновать; раздосадовать
- To report my inner thoughts at such a moment of crisis must be to vex anyone who listens to this tape.
- Furthermore, he proclaimed that he would one day rule again over the Roman Empire, that he would vex dishonest priests, and that he would not cease from battle until the Holy Land was delivered into Christian hands.
- Perhaps moved on to vex some other unfortunate priest.
- Athelstan concluded it was due to the large empty wine bowl in front of Sir John but Cranston, winking and burping, staunchly kept his hidden resolve not to vex Athelstan further with his own worries and anxieties.
- No arkies to vex us either.
- Suppose an individual were persistently to follow another on a public highway, making rude gestures or remarks in order to annoy or vex.
- The Men are vex'd to find a Nymph so wise:
- Shakespeare called the islands "the still vex'd Bermoothes" and the sinister legend of the islands at the edge of the world where ships disappeared lives on.
- It was also beginning to vex Hal, who was treated badly by those wider than him.
- Despite some earlier hesitations, it is now certain that A commits the tort of intimidation against C if he threatens B with conduct which is unlawful in relation to B and thereby intentionally causes B to act (or refrain from acting) in a way which causes damage to C. It is not a requirement of this tort that B's conduct be in any way unlawful in relation to C. An old illustration is Garret v. Taylor , where the plaintiff was the lessee of a quarry and alleged that the defendant had "disturbed" his customers and his workmen by "threatening to mayhem and vex them with suits if they had brought any stones."
- He felt as he always did on the moor, and especially on this spot and on Big Allen, peaceful, without care, without self almost, at one with nature and the past, and as if nothing that happened down there could hurt or vex him any more.
- De Family vex
- Again and again I request you to be merry, if anything troubles your hearts, or vex your souls, neglect and contemn it, let it pass.'"