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Перевод: viable speek viable

жизнеспособный; жизнедеятельный; всхожий


  1. Although conversion of each of the first three buildings considered was potentially viable, all three failed one or more tests of the practicality/viability analysis.
  2. On islands, there is little food; but the art of long-term survival is to maintain enough individuals to sustain a viable population.
  3. Only the Royal Scot remained as a viable Euston-Glasgow train but with a schedule fifteen minutes slower than the five-hour norm established in the 1974 timetable.
  4. It was interesting to note that as the election results came through, political commentators were readily able to offer a viable explanation: "Labour made no headway in Battersea due to the local authority, plus change in electorate profile".
  5. Adams' report, one of a long line of studies, expert groups, advisory committees and internal and external task forces that have looked at Super-SARA, declared that the project was still viable if it got an immediate go-ahead.
  6. Skilled treatment for the hemiplegic patient is very specialized, and there is no viable substitute for it.
  7. "The figures don't constitute more than about six months of real and viable fishing for our fleet," he said.
  8. If you are not leaving with a sour taste in your mouth, it may be viable for you to enter into an agreement with the company that you will continue to provide it with the benefit of your expertise, pursuant to a consultancy agreement.
  9. Is this "hybrid" viable? he asked.
  10. The breeding, rearing, or fattening of beef cattle can be viable in the right conditions, although it is hard to make a profit on a very small scale.
  11. The only viable tactic seemed to be to surround the tribal hosts, forcing them to give hostages and cattle in exchange for leniency.
  12. Mobbs says: "On-site training is only viable where suitable facilities exist and commitment is given to releasing staff from daily duties.
  13. It is significant, too, that the Crofters Commission, even during the period when the scheme was viable within the curriculum, could only operate it because of a gift from a private individual.

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