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Перевод: vibrational speek vibrational



  1. 5.2.1 Vibrational motions and energies
  2. 5 Vibrational Spectroscopy
  3. It is uniquely wide in its applicability: every molecular or covalently bonded sample has some form of vibrational spectrum, and it is easy to study gases, liquids, solids and solutions.
  4. The free volume is therefore that extra volume required for larger-scale vibrational motions than those found between consecutive atoms of the same chain.
  5. At normal temperatures most molecules jostle with enough thermal energy (as kinetic, vibrational and rotational energy) to overcome this barrier.
  6. In a healthy organism the latter, as a member of the cellular society, endeavours in a way to maintain a natural equilibrium between the cell's vibrational frequencies and external environmental EM influences.
  7. 5.2.2 Number of vibrational motions
  8. The word "Love" is sounded at a strange vibrational frequency - like a mantra - throughout the commercial break.
  9. All molecular vibrations therefore have some zero-point energy, and this can be shown to be equal to one half of a quantum, so that the total vibrational energy of a molecule with only one normal vibration is where is the vibrational quantum number, a positive integer or zero.
  10. The infrared region of the spectrum is used to determine molecular structures via their vibrational modes, and this is one of the few surface-sensitive techniques that does not need an ultra-high vacuum.
  11. As the system is developed, numerical information about all aspects of molecular structure energies, dipole moments, vibrational frequencies will be stored in a universal databank for easy reference (see Box 2).
  12. The quanta of vibrational energy i are related to the classical vibration frequency by where h is Planck's Constant.

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