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Перевод: violate speek violate

нарушать; нарушить; преступать; попирать; осквернять; вторгаться; врываться; насиловать; насильничать; применять насилие; изнасиловать


  1. It had been a chance perhaps worth taking to violate Belgian neutrality, but this had brought Great Britain, with her Empire and her naval supremacy into the War, with the inevitable result that Germany would, by blockade, eventually be brought to starvation.
  2. No other band can take an already macabre melody, violate it beyond humanity and then somehow spit out a bona fide song which such contemptuous animosity.
  3. Mr Trump's attorney, Mr Jay Goldberg, said: "He's angry that she would choose to violate the agreement.
  4. Yet he set out to trap and violate women.
  5. As Osborn notes in relation to the USA, "Individual schools, most often elementary, and determined teachers in the privacy of their own classrooms manage to violate numerous regulations and traditions".
  6. This is not because the law does violate human rights.
  7. In presenting the imperative as both universal and absolute (and without yet even discussing why there are so many situations where common sense or common decency oblige us to violate it!), we are not far from the claim traditionally put in metaphysical terms, that Good is identical with Being.
  8. The satygrahi does not violate moral duty, nor does he take advantage of the weakness or vulnerability of his opponent who is the recipient of his actions.
  9. Glashow was then able to predict that a neutral weak interaction exists due to the exchange of the Z o , for example in electron-proton scattering (Figure 4), and that this process would violate parity in a definite way depending on the amount of mixing.
  10. Not only were the largest firms the most criminal, but those corporations that dominated" the oil, pharmaceutical and motor vehicle industries were the most likely to violate the law."
  11. Mr Irving, 54, was ordered out of the country on Sunday because his views could violate anti-hate laws.
  12. If you say "one has an obligation to obey any law which does not violate fundamental human rights" you have denied that the law has the authority it claims for itself.
  13. In many situations laws which violate human rights and oppress the population or sections of it cannot be broken without endangering the stability or even the very survival of relatively just institutions.

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