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Перевод: virility speek virility

возмужалость ; половая зрелость; мужественность ; мужество


  1. Underneath the scorn, the subtext is that Morrissey's art lacks a vital virility.
  2. Jokes about men driving are mostly on the macho theme: "Men love a fast and powerful car, especially painted red - it's a virility symbol."
  3. Many men imagine their preference for women is, ipso facto , a proof of virility.
  4. Machismo is an exaggerated cult of virility which expresses itself in male assertions of superiority over females, and competition between men.
  5. The army was mobilised to catch snapping turtles for a soup to enhance his virility, while farmers fattened edible frogs and ducks as birthday gifts.
  6. He smiled sheepishly at this tribute to his virility.
  7. They seemed to feel it was a threat to their virility."
  8. Genet's femininity for instance "is, as Sartre phrases it, a "hostile eroticism'", delighted to ridicule and betray the very myth of virility it pretends to serve' ( Sexual Politics , 18, 349).
  9. He was shown a potion guaranteeing virility and many children, based on deer's horn.
  10. Pottz marks a reversion to unreconstructed virility symbol.
  11. Grigorovich's simplistic, ideological heroes took on a new dimension when danced with such dramatic appeal, with such virility, such fabulous jumps.
  12. It is difficult for a woman to understand a man's sensitivity to any slur on his virility.
  13. Mr Hussein appeared for the dedication on a white horse, a traditional symbol of virility and purity that is linked to Ali, the grandson of the Prophet.

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