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Перевод: viscosity speek viscosity

вязкость ; липкость ; клейкость ; тягучесть


  1. Recent studies on extensional flow suggest that measurement of the viscosity in such flows may contain information on the molecular weight distribution not easily obtained by other means.
  2. Always Defect, then, unlike Tit for Tat, gets no help from kinship or viscosity in the population.
  3. Uptake of chemical varies with viscosity and if the product is changed a proportioner may need recalibration.
  4. The constants G and - in fluid flow become coefficients of viscosity, usually written with other symbols but left unaltered here to stress the analogy between shear modulus G and shear viscosity and between bulk modulus where x lies along the axis of the tube and r is in the radial direction.
  5. This is dreadful, thought Fenella, struggling against the thick, cold viscosity.
  6. The mean thickness, , of the thermal boundary layer is given by where R c is the critical value of the Rayleigh number (10 3 ), is the magma viscosity, is the thermal diffusivity, is the coefficient of thermal expansion, T is the temperature difference driving convection, g is gravity and is the magma density.
  7. The uniform motion of the drum depends on the viscosity of the mercury.
  8. The rather crude criterion that we have used to distinguish between types of eruption, the degree of violence of explosiveness, reflects two more fundamental variables, the viscosity of the lava and the gas content.
  9. Both the infra-red absorption studies of Heintz and the viscosity studies of Barnard have yet to be repeated by other workers, but they are both suggestive of the presence of polymers in the potencies.
  10. Lydia was also faintly disgusted by tears, by the weakness they evinced and by the viscosity of their substance.
  11. Punctuated by interjections from Mark, Clem told the story of how Mark had fallen into a barrel of high viscosity oil while standing on the lid to get at another barrel with his hand pump.
  12. A device in common use is the gel permeation chromatograph (GPC), although any technique which employs a measure that is dependent upon molecular weight, such as viscosity, will give information.
  13. Temperature dictates viscosity

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