Перевод: visibility
[существительное] видимость ; обзор
- But the company said its investment programme helped raise its visibility in a relatively lifeless marketplace and, in the American laboratory market in particular, helped shield it from the worst effects of the recession.
- With these second-rank politicians, interest in politics continued to be a strong predictor of their visibility although the impact of television viewing also increased.
- Working out the visibility was easier as we did have guidelines here - a tree on the other side of the airfield was at 1,000 yards, a distant farmhouse 2 miles, and if you couldn't see the briefing room it was foggy.
- The visibility of the new missiles will force us to think more acutely about nuclear weapons and why, or whether, the world needs them.
- They will also be ideal in fog, twilight and dull weather, enhancing vague details and extending the range of visibility.
- It was a beautiful day with small cumulus clouds and about thirty miles visibility, and it should have been a great experience, but unfortunately I felt deadly sick all the way and could hardly bear to look out.
- Provide greater visibility.
- The ancient streets could perhaps have been left to enforce their own low driving speeds through their narrowness, their cobbled surfaces and their lack of visibility over anything more than a few metres.
- There may be a gain in the number of children at the school but this could well have happened through factors such as population change or a new housing development that are totally unconnected to the work on raising the school's visibility and image.
- The semantic ability of the insider to translate the hidden and the unspoken aspects of the cultural agenda which occur in any society should be especially productive in any analysis of the police, where a massive visibility at one level is matched by a secretive, hidden side to institutional practice.
- Designed to counteract poor visibility on murky winter afternoons, it had been used in Scotland and by the visiting South Africans in 1924 before Arsenal adopted it for a public trial match three years later.
- They have an extraordinarily sensitive echolocation system, and their huge foreheads enclose a large brain and sound organ which enable them to navigate and detect prey in conditions of zero visibility.
- It's baloney, of course, but it's getting them a high degree of visibility.