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Перевод: visionary speek visionary

воображаемый; фантастический; призрачный; неосуществимый; непрактичный; мечтательный; склонный к галлюцинациям;
мечтатель ; фантазер ; мистик ; провидец ; визионер


  1. The prophets announce their visionary hope of nations gathered into the kingdom of God's eternal peace, when the dangers of darkness are cast aside and light is victorious.
  2. United seek values of a visionary: Ken Jones reflects on a tarnished ideal as Old Trafford struggles for a new sense of stability
  3. The problem of Clarke as visionary and mystic is his growing temptation to explain .
  4. He also held a simplistic visionary view of Israel: "You know, I turn back to your ancient prophets in the Old Testament, and the signs foretelling Armageddon, and I find myself wondering if, if we're in the generation that's going to see it come about.
  5. But the appeal of the romantic movement does not explain why those who were not party to it, such as Michael Faraday, who was a visionary and wrote beautifully, have been completely written out of conventional histories of 19th century Britain, as if he (and David Brewster and Thomas Henry Huxley and the rest) were just peripheral figures, keeping things ticking along so that statesmen could make grand decisions and the widening of human understanding could be left to poets.
  6. Describing what he does with certain scenes - Neeson's torture and the destruction of his lab, a helicopter chase across a city skyline - would spoil their visionary kinetics and sheer comic surprise.
  7. From the burbling, low key rock of Passing Place to the jangling keyboards of Visionary Days, the group avoid conforming to a set style.
  8. In another, he appeared as a visionary teacher indoctrinating a flock of eager young students with slogans like "Banality As Savior" and "Exploit The Masses".
  9. Luff described himself as " something of a visionary ", and during a talk in 1940 indulged in some Wellsian flights of fancy, producing drawings of a tram whose driver's cab was on the roof giving passengers a clear view forward, and a bus which had folded wings!
  10. The two-man team arriving to promote the concept of a large-scale loan for livestock production in Tanzania in 1971 was a manifestation of McNamara's bold and almost visionary objectives.
  11. The church planter needs to be a strong, visionary leader with a clear sense of call, not necessarily a nurturer or pastor, although these gifts may be present to a lesser degree.
  12. Lying on a coffee table, the untamed visionary goes glossy, turns safe
  13. Prog pop (like prog rock before it) is an embarrassed attempt to leave behind adolescence - that unsettled interim state so fruitfully prey to traumas, visionary states, loosemindedness, impossible aspirations.

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