Перевод: vocational
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- A speaker from the floor said Thompson should not be using the term "NVQ" (National Vocational Qualification) but in "VQ" in case of offending the Scots at the conference, who of course have "SVQs".
- By 1907, the CUB, acting on a plan initiated by W. H. Beveridge, was busy opening exchanges in every London borough, each of which made special provision for women and juveniles, and provided vocational guidance for school-leavers through working in co-operation with the ASEA and the Education Department of the LCC.
- In general, then, the pressures for vocational relevance, together with attempts to transform English studies into an antidote to contemporary cultural debasement and conformity, helped to accredit the Leavisian critical approach.
- Graduates in Theatre Studies tend to seek work with a vocational bias, but not exclusively so.
- The government itself has encouraged individual rather than collective advancement by turning much of the initiative for vocational and technical training over to the private sector - with local and multinational companies selecting candidates for higher-level training and providing scholarships and bursaries to this end.
- Linda Welsh has previously suggested that the key issue is competence, at a time when the knowledge gained in initial vocational education may have a life span as short as four years.
- Like many others in education, he would like to see a structure that meets the needs of all 16-to 19-year-olds by bringing together the academic A-level syllabuses, with all the various vocational courses, into a common system.
- Parents, social workers and other carers have an educational role as do vocational training staff, employers and employees.
- And more broadly still, dealing with pupils with "special educational needs" in the ordinary classroom; doing one's best to combat racism and sexism in pupils' attitudes; taking account of personal and social education in one's teaching style; paying attention to the deliberate coaching of study skills; providing worthwhile vocational courses for the greatly increased cohort of non-academic pupils who stay on at school beyond the age of sixteen.
- The compulsory part-time day continuation school for boys was meant to provide physical, vocational and "humanistic" education with the intention of producing individuals who were disciplined, moral, contented, and possessed of a civic conscience.
- For example, schools can ask Compact companies to provide Work Experience placements and classroom resources which will challenge gender stereotyping with relation to vocational opportunities; young women have often been placed in engineering or construction companies, while young men have been placed in work which has traditionally been associated with young women.
- Broadly speaking the interest of the State in vocational guidance, registration and placement, and after-care, marks the beginning of its concern with wage-earning youth, which was to develop over the next twenty years with the formation of the Juvenile Organizations Committee in 1916, the various measures to ameliorate juvenile unemployment between the wars, and the inauguration in 1939 of The "Youth Service", each of which was a response to economic and social pressures, and all of which refined and extended the image of youth.
- By the end of the new Parliament, the new system of National Vocational Qualifications should cover virtually every occupation in the economy.
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