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Перевод: wagon speek wagon

повозка ; тележка ; фургон ; автофургон ; многоместный легковой автомобиль; пикап ; детская коляска; полицейская автомашина; вагон-платформа ; вагонетка ; сервировочный столик на колесах;
перевозить в фургоне; перевозить на железнодорожной платформе-гондоле; грузить в фургон; грузить на железнодорожную платформу-гондолу


  1. The fatal accident occurred on 5th December 1898 when a fall of earth trapped George Robinson against a tipping wagon, breaking his back.
  2. The Durham Players had found the base for their pageant wagon in a farmyard, to which it had to be returned.
  3. The toll-board here is, unusually, still intact, showing dues charged for various types of vehicle, including double the standard toll for a wagon whose tyres were fastened with projecting instead of countersunk nails.
  4. Instead of ribs, the machine has a canvas roof to shield us from the weather, and although one can peer out through slits here and there, the effect is of travelling in a closed world, like an outsize gypsy wagon.
  5. Her hair, glowing like a brazier through the early-morning mist, her high boots and her cream-coloured quilted jacket with its exaggerated shoulders, had drawn his gaze as he sat impatiently in a line of cars while the pickets argued with the driver of an articulated wagon that was trying to enter the University.
  6. Now near the Dutch frontier, Harry felt it might be an idea to cross from Germany by climbing into a wagon in a marshalling yard, but after a tedious wait when nothing moved he returned to his cycle and was soon in sight of the red and white border posts.
  7. Outside, the pavilion was packed and placed in its wagon, and the file reassembled, creased and pallid in daylight, to make its way back to beds, warmth and comfort.
  8. A couple of the men who would pull the wagon walked the course, horse-racing style, to note tight corners and overhanging trees which might interfere with the smooth passage of "Heaven" on the second deck of the wagon.
  9. "We're up in the air at the moment," Bono concludes a line of conversation where we're wondering about the direction and attitude of new music (But can you trust it?) especially those current wagon hoppers such as Killing Joke (J'accuse!).
  11. English Electric were not building trams by this time, and the new cars had to be ordered from a railway wagon builder, Roberts of Wakefield.
  12. The second time, he collided with a police wagon.
  13. Sir David Price, who represents Eastleigh Junction and all stations south, just managed to jump aboard the wagon claiming that the terms of reference of Serpell had been all right, but wrongly interpreted.

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