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Перевод: washing speek washing

стирающийся; моющий; употребляемый для стирки;
мытье; стирка ; мойка ; полоскание; белье для стирки; белье; обмылки ; тонкий слой; промывание; промывка


  1. Gravellier stood up, blood washing over his face, sickness rising in his stomach.
  2. Vladimir described the difference as "white washing" and "washing white": white washing is quick and relatively easy, just covering up what was there, but there is always the danger of it chipping off and revealing what is underneath.
  3. Toileting, bathing, hair washing, and feeding were less common tasks but even so 22 per cent gave some help with toileting, 39 per cent with bathing, 40 per cent with hair washing, and 12 per cent with feeding.
  4. Because this was a Thursday and he had never thought of going out on a Thursday before, and because of the previous Saturday night, coming back to collect the washing.
  5. About 7 million was being spent annually on pushing the claims of washing powders such as Tide, Daz, Omo and Persil, compared with 1.7 million on pushing the performances of music, opera, ballet, theatre and visual arts.
  6. Each washing machine cycle, for example, takes a staggering 90 litres, while flushing the toilet uses another nine.
  7. Agnes now went into the back room and, after washing her hands in a bowl of water that stood on a bench, she dried them, then smoothed her hair back and adjusted the bow at the neck of her dress.
  8. She was always washing.
  9. Lee had suddenly stopped in the middle of washing up a pottery casserole dish, quietly placed it on the draining-board and sat down on the kitchen floor.
  10. For dish washing, two plastic containers were filled with lake water, one with soap and the other for rinsing.
  11. He enjoyed being expected and being useful, providing electric fires, finding plumbers, even tidying and washing things, Irina's efforts in these latter respects being minimal.
  12. Waterproofs cotton, wool or nylon items in the washing machine.
  13. Most modern household appliances, such as washing machines and dishwashers are already fitted with non-return devices.

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