Перевод: watercourse
[существительное] поток ; речка ; ручей ; канал ; русло [существительное]
- A septic tank is an open system and depends on being sited where it can eventually discharge into a natural watercourse or soakaway.
- The watercourse, known as the Duke's Level, eventually drove waterwheels for the mechanical dressing of the ore.
- British Waterways have also topped up stocks in the same watercourse below Thwaites Mill.
- Seven years later, remedial works were still being carried out; the raised flood-banks set far too close to the watercourse were being eroded away; the stability of the downstream bridge was threatened; and the real cost to the public purse of what was a relatively small scheme originally has yet to be clearly counted.
- The latter, s.92(1) (f), a sweeping up provision, would include, for example, "any pond, pool, ditch, gutter or watercourse prejudicial to health or a nuisance", designated a statutory nuisance by s.259(1) (a), and under s.101 certain smoke nuisances, the Clean Air Act 1956 having introduced a new system of control over emissions from chimneys but retained certain emissions as statutory nuisances subject to the control of the 1936 Act.
- In Pakistan, salinisation and waterlogging are particularly acute in the Indus Valley where irrigation has been practised since 5 kyr BP; currently some 15 x 10 6 ha are irrigated by a system that includes the Indus River and its tributaries, 3 storage reservoirs, 19 barrages, 43 canals and 90 000 watercourse systems (Shanan 1987).
- It is not uncommon for tractors to slide into a stream as they attempt to cultivate every last scrap of land beside a watercourse.
- The tunnelling was necessitated by having to rediscover the channel of the watercourse after it had come by pipe from the millpond above and turned the wheel.
- One of the main problems here was lack of water for washing the ore, and by the early nineteenth century the Duke of Devonshire, who owned the workings, had built a watercourse and an underground drainage channel to allow deeper shafts to be sunk.
- Once they are removed, all that soil, like the fertilizer, has to go somewhere, and, often as not, it ends up in the watercourse, silting up the stream bed, eroding banks, and worsening flooding.
- Most local authorities insist on separate systems to reduce the volume intake at sewage works, since rainwater can be discharged into the nearest watercourse without treatment.
- The Talabec/Lower Reik watercourse is in fact greater in total length.
- The real cost of river mismanagement can begin with engineering works on the watercourse itself.
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