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Перевод: waterfront speek waterfront

порт ; берег ; городской район, расположенный на берегу


  1. It is likely, though, that few Ayrshire folk will know that a prominent part of the city's waterfront is named after a native of the county.
  2. In 1820 he was granted 190 acres of land on the waterfront in a location which was, at that time, outside Sydney.
  3. A promontory on the south side of Sydney's waterfront which was part of John's 190 acre estate is still called Piper Point and streets in the district are named to his memory.
  5. Elia Kazan, director of Arthur Miller's stage plays and of many films as memorable as On The Waterfront , calculated more shrewdly.
  6. There was much talk in the coffee shops about the new film James Dean was working on, called Rebel Without a Cause ; Brando was stunning everyone with his performance in On the Waterfront .
  7. Road, rail, canal and river all flow into the city, making Leeds Waterfront an ideal place to dock.
  8. But with as many as 28 separate bodies - from the Department of Environment to the Crown Estates Commissioners (who control foreshore leases) to the RSPB - being involved in waterfront planning, development wrangles will continue.
  9. They simply drove into Benghazi, headlamps blazing, and parked down near the waterfront.
  10. Public access to an environmentally attractive waterfront has received a favourable response in the city and has undoubtedly muted political debate.
  11. He thus became a gutter urchin who haunted the London waterfront.
  12. For instance, a two-bedroom terraced cottage in Cornwall can now often be found from as little as 30,000, or there are Devon waterfront houses from 60,000.
  13. Candidate Florio and his blonde wife, Lucinda, had no choice but to pose with the property developer from the Jersey waterfront before moving on past three mediocre belly-dancers, a man (on stilts) dressed up as Abraham Lincoln and an actor dressed up as Rip Van Winkle.

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