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Перевод: welter speek welter

сумбур ; неразбериха ; столпотворение; полная путаница; сокрушительный удар; громадина ; что-либо неподъемное; добавочный груз; второй полусредний вес; боксер или борец второго полусреднего веса;
валяться; барахтаться; волноваться; вздыматься и падать


  1. MY mention of Flattened Fauna, a handbook to squashed animals, has brought a welter of enquiries.
  2. This dire situation exists despite a welter of management plans, royalties, taxes, and fees.
  3. Sometimes he would ask them to leave; more often they stayed, and let the welter of codes and commands and memos and messages accumulate round them.
  4. High winds and borrowed equipment have in the past two years reduced some events to water-borne stock-car racing, with Olympic champions disappearing in a welter of spray and shame.
  5. So it is worth bearing in mind, when considering the later reign of "the Scot who was a Frenchwoman", that the story of Albany frantically "cramming" on Scottish chronicles on the ship which brought him from France is a good pointer to the attitude of a man who managed, with some success, to understand and deal with the domestic problems of Scotland, even while caught in the intolerable welter of shifting relations between France and England, with their rival demands for Scottish support.
  6. The battle itself is a welter of savage confusion.
  7. He tore all the wrappings off like a child at Christmas and out gushed a welter of handwritten scripts.
  8. In between men with machetes hacked and chopped in a welter of gore.
  9. The Araglin - a stony, soft-water, trout river - was chosen because of a welter of data on its fish and invertebrate populations collected well before the flooding.
  10. The book, signed with the pseudonym Manicamp, after a character in Dumas's Vicomte de Bragelonne but in reality by Stephane Denis, a political journalist, is a fictional account of the end of Mr Mitterrand's reign and the welter of intrigue surrounding it.
  11. Whatever the reasons for this procedure the effect is to involve family and friends in a welter of activity that they were probably unprepared for.
  12. - 12rds C'wealth super-middleweight ch'ship: Henry Wharton (York) bt Rod Carr (Melbourne) rsf 8th. 6rds light-middle: Charlie Moore (Darlington) bt Steve Thomas (Merthyr) rsf 3rd. 8rds feather: Tony Silkstone (Leeds) bt Eddie Cook (Larkhall) pts. 8rds light-heavy: Michael Gale (Leeds) bt Tony Booth (Sheffield) pts. 6rds welter: Steve Howden (Sheffield) bt Ron Hopley (Ripon) pts. 6rds bantam: Jacob Smith (Darlington) bt Andy Bloomer (Ynysybwl) pts.

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