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Перевод: whole speek whole

целый; весь; невредимый; здоровый; цельный; неснятой; непросеянный; родной; кровный;
целое; все


  1. In modelling strategies, however, the concept of fugacity is given a whole section.
  2. The whole nation now exceedingly alarmed by the French fleet braving our coast even to the very Thames mouth; our fleet commanded by debauched young men, and likewise inferior in force, giving way to the enemy, to our exceeding reproach; God of his mercy defend this poor nation.
  3. Continue ascending two more forms and then play the whole thing descending.
  4. Or is local government simply to be viewed as one part of the state as a whole - with no specificity of its own?
  5. Because she has mild heart disease, she may serve her whole sentence in the medical facility.
  6. In the court case of June 1790, Henry Cecil was awarded 1000 damages and a divorce, but what makes the whole story so remarkable is that by this time he was already secretly remarried.
  7. The whole world would tune in for this one.
  8. Amongst party identifiers as a whole, the difference between Conservative and Labour optimism rose from 93 per cent in the Pre-Campaign Wave to 108 per cent by the end of the campaign.
  9. Clearly further investigations into the whole of the Windscale accident must be urgently pursued.
  10. Where designer pop-soul seeks to bolster narcissism ("learning to love yourself/is the greatest love of all," as Whitney Houston puts it) and amplify one's sense of human capability to manage life, hardcore finds perverse pleasure in damaging narcissism, destabilizing one's sense of human mastery, by a morbid preoccupation with psychic breakdown, arbitrary violence, random calamity, irrational impulses, the Whole gamut of "unemployable negativity" (Bataille).
  11. During the War the whole school was evacuated to the green safety of Hampshire, and celebrated its return to London and normality with a commemoration service in Westminster Abbey and a luncheon at the Dorchester Hotel.
  12. The political commentator Hugo Young identifies the nadir of our fortunes as the Cabinet meeting on Thursday 23 July 1981 which he describes as "perhaps the most memorable meeting of the Cabinet in the whole decade of the Thatcher Government".
  13. And yet, he wrote, the impact of the whole must be that of a storm.

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