y ya yb yc yd ye yi yl ym yo yr yt yu yw

Перевод: yrs



  1. Av. life expectancy: 78 yrs (women), 74 yrs (men) (1989).
  2. Av. life expectancy: 71 yrs (women), 68 yrs (men) (1989).
  3. A clause inserted by Lord Muncaster reserved for himself the right at any time during the said 21 yrs, if he so wished, to become a partner of in the concern by paying a full part of the expenses from the commencement thereof of working the same
  4. The experience of being molested once as a child and then a man jumping in her car at 21 yrs and her running away remained with her so that she has persistent fear of being attacked and the sense of someone being behind her.
  5. Av. life expectancy: 63 yrs (women), 59 yrs (men) (1989).
  6. Av. life expectancy: 53 yrs (women), 54 yrs (men) (1989).
  7. Height and spread is 15ft, yield around 1cwt, crops after 3-;5 yrs.
  8. Av. life expectancy: 82 yrs (women), 76 yrs (men) (1989).
  9. Yrs Tom
  10. Av. life expectancy: 66 yrs (women), 62 yrs (men) (1989).
  11. Av. life expectancy: 67 yrs (women), 58 yrs (men) (1989).
  12. Height and spread is 10ft, yield around 40lbs, crops after 2-;3 yrs.

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