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Перевод: abashed

смущенный; сконфуженный; пристыженный


  1. Abashed by this sarcasm, the crowd hung back while the dazed Chignell fetched the bath chair which had caused all the trouble, and lifted his master into it.
  2. The unimaginable heat and weight of Fenna had pressed the ooze in the cave, pressed so hotly and heavily that the molecules of mud were squeezed apart, breaking up into carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms, and his weight had compressed the carbon atoms into diamond crystals, and more and more diamonds until his hoard was a lure to garish youths, who had toiled up to his cave and exchanged riddles and blows with him, but when he had fixed them with his ancient evil little eyes, they retreated abashed to sing his praises.
  3. The two malefactors had been displayed to the assembled school as "Trespassers Loitering with Criminal Intent", and were suitably abashed.
  4. "I half-killed a man for sayin' that once tae me," replied Tam, abashed.
  5. Burney looked abashed.
  6. Dotty was not the slightest bit abashed.
  7. If so, I am not abashed.
  8. After the first shock he was in no way abashed by the grandeur of Stephen's estate.
  9. Denis found himself a little abashed, and rose to cover his embarrassment.
  10. It was firmly slapped from his hand by his mother, and abashed by her glare he turned away with the rest, to leave the accursed woman alone, abandoned, shunned like a leper.
  11. I do not overlook De Gourmont's plea for a meeting of the nations but I do believe that when they meet Paris will be more than slightly abashed to find parodies of the middle ages, Dante and Langue D'Oc foisted upon it as the best in United States poetry.
  12. abashed and ashamed that he went to Travell, 7 yeares.
  13. Treating his pupils to the compliment of rational disagreement sometimes spilled over into a verbal contest so fierce that the young person concerned was abashed or even frightened.

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