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Перевод: abrogate speek abrogate

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  1. Thailand and the Philippines remain reluctant to abrogate their formal security alliances with the United States in current conditions of regional instability.
  2. The Hungarian National Assembly voted on March 24 to accept a government proposal to abrogate the 1977 treaty with Czechoslovakia governing the construction of the Gabcikovo-Nagymros dam on the Danube river frontier between the two countries.
  3. A meeting of the Soviet State Council on Nov. 27, to which the Presidents of both Armenia and Azerbaijan were invited, adopted a resolution calling on them to abrogate all acts that change Nagorny Karabakh's legal status.
  4. Parliament has thus recognised the unsatisfactory results of the common law privilege against self-incrimination and has been willing to abrogate or modify that privilege.
  5. It shows that Christ's work of sinbearing did not abrogate the moral claims of the law, but was the precondition to men being able to face up to them.
  6. Thus the existence of a Constitution of itself may not be a guarantee against repressive or totalitarian governments which disregard individual liberty and abrogate human rights.
  7. But this rhetorical nonsense ends in the old strain of mischievous nonsense: for immediately a list of these pretended natural rights is given there is not, it seems, any one of which any government can , upon any occasion whatever, abrogate the smallest particle.
  8. The refugee issue prompted the Hungarian government in February to abrogate the 1979 treaty with Romania which prevented dual citizenship, which meant that refugees could maintain dual Hungarian-Romanian citizenship see also below for relations with Hungary.
  9. In further moves designed to restrict military influence in state-owned enterprises, the Cabinet on July 13 asked the board of Thai Airways International (THAI) to abrogate a clause in the carrier's constitution stipulating that the head of the Air Force be appointed chairman.
  10. to abrogate the wartime agreements, to acquire British ore stocks, to get a much greater share of the Congo production and to obtain British and Canadian support for ore negotiations with South Africa.
  11. Further, women felt a responsibility to remain locked into that system of kin support in a way not replicated for men, who were more at liberty to "get better jobs, migrate, emigrate and abrogate all responsibility for parents and siblings" (ibid.
  12. The works in a collection like New Hall's while they engage with some of these issues about women's lack and absence from history, at the same time abrogate the very claim that women have not and cannot command a semantic field which expresses their own meanings and tells their own stories.
  13. Lithuania's unilateral decision, to abrogate USSR constitutional articles concerning USSR sovereignty and the validity of the Constitution on Lithuanian territory, would be null and void until such time as the procedure for and consequences of secession from the composition of the Soviet Union are established by law.

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