a aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az

Перевод: accompanying

сопровождающий; сопутствующий


  1. True, there is a stream Kingsdale Beck, draining the slopes of Whernside at the head of the valley and accompanying the road down but for much of its early journey it prefers to travel under rather than on its limestone bed and remains out of sight and hearing.
  2. Accompanying this shift is the introduction of a uniform business rate whose level is to be centrally determined, with the income also collected centrally and then redistributed in the form of government grant according to a centrally determined formula.
  3. She schooled him on the lunge and in a fenced paddock over jumps, and then out in the fields and then out on the marshes, accompanying him on her own eventer and leading him over ditches and fences.
  4. The accompanying letter needs to be personal and brief and should certainly not be sycophantic or name dropping.
  5. Though, as I mentioned, I was unable to make contact with Mr Mint, a letter accompanying his essay did make clear the unfortunate fact that its standard - or perhaps the startling originality of its thinking - did not meet with the examiners' approval.
  6. But since the lowest stated band on the DSP 715's graphic is 60Hz, I'm not really convinced by the sub-bass implications accompanying this unit.
  7. However, the act of dedicating a portrait and describing its subject on an accompanying inscription was not necessarily initiated by the emperor.
  8. One of these is shown in the accompanying Feynman diagram.
  9. A second role of coins in the study of portraiture lies in the help that they may give in the identification of other portraits, particularly sculptures, since it is only very rarely that the latter's accompanying inscriptions have survived to identify them.
  10. Both these examples feature A diminished arpeggios (G, E and C diminished) and over the accompanying F major chord they imply a F79 sound.
  11. However, businesses take time to build up and, having built them up, and an accompanying status in the all-male Sikh society, they were reluctant to leave, and gradually more and more men started sending for their wives.
  12. I do remember clearly now depressed we became as the weeks went by and we could see, looming ahead, yet another wartime winter with its accompanying cold, damp and bad news.
  13. Hardy's short but effective poem "She at his funeral", accompanying illustration.
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