a aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az

Перевод: accumulator speek accumulator

аккумулятор ; собирающее устройство; накапливающий сумматор; коллектор ; стяжатель


  1. Then, Messrs. Gwynne's proposal for equalising the strain on each individual rope by means of connected hydraulic rams is most satisfactory, as also is their suggesting for actuating the lift-up gates by means of hydraulic pressure utilising the engine for pumping up the accumulator."
  2. Then Messrs. Gwynne's proposal for equalizing the strain on each inidividual rope by means of connected Hydraulic Rams is most satisfactory, as also is their suggestion for actuating the lift up gates by means of Hydraulic pressure utilising the engine for pumping up the accumulator.
  3. A couple of minutes must pass before the accumulator vanes behind the hood re-energized the conductors and insulators.
  4. On the Von Neumann computer the only conditional jump instruction was one which tested for a non-negative value in the accumulator.
  5. The aft tank pump feeds the engines via an accumulator to give thirty seconds of full-power inverted flight at sea level.
  6. All binary arithmetic operations take place between a value in the accumulator and a value read from the store, and the result is left in the accumulator.
  7. For the accumulator winning claims, the first two correct claims on the telephone claim line will each win a car, the next three correct claims received will each win a holiday in Hawaii and the other correct claims all receive Olympus Trip S cameras.
  8. These are swivel-mounted to facilitate cornering, and a constant working depth is maintained by a hydraulic accumulator, whose pressure is set by a hydraulic handpump.
  9. The Von Neumann computer, for example, has a range of load instructions to load the accumulator with the contents, negated contents, absolute value of the contents, or negated absolute value of the contents of a store location.
  10. To multiply two numbers, say A and B, the following sequence of instructions would be performed: Move A to MQ register (load MQ with multiplier) Clear Accumulator (set first partial product, if not done automatically by multiply) Multiply by B The final instruction brings B to a multiplicand register and performs the multiplication, leaving the left-hand portion of the product in the accumulator and the right-hand portion in the MQ register.
  11. Read j: transfer into the Accumulator the contents of DBi, and set DF to O. Test i: if DFi is set to 1, skip the following instruction.
  12. This dividend register will be the register which holds the product in multiplication, made up of the accumulator extended on the right by an MQ register (on a computer with a single accumulator) or a pair of adjacent accumulators (on a computer with an array of accumulators).
  13. (a) An operation of the data manipulation Unit is called for; for example, transfer the numeric value held at store address X to the data manipulation Unit, and add it to the value in the accumulator, or transfer the value in the accumulator to the store and deposit it at address X.

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