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Перевод: affected speek affected

пораженный болезнью; находящийся под влиянием; тронутый; растроганный; задетый; пораженный; аффектированный; показной; притворный; деланный; напускной; неискренний; искусственный; неестественный; жеманный; манерный


  1. Now, as John Bowker has pointed out in the first article in this series, "to say that God is not affected by His creatures is not to say that He takes no interest in them", nor that, seen from our viewpoint as creatures in time and space, God cannot do one thing at one moment and something apparently quite different the next.
  2. He pulled up his roots a second time and moved to another new land, Germany, where during the twelve years that were left to him he accomplished a "ballet miracle", building not merely a repertory and a company in Stuttgart, but a whole new public attitude that affected other theatres throughout the country.
  3. Aero-engines are designed for long life, which is adversely affected by harsh throttle movements, rapid heating and rapid cooling.
  4. "Less favoured areas may include small areas affected by specific handicaps and in which farming must be continued, if necessary subject to certain conditions , in order to ensure the conservation of the environment, to maintain the countryside and to preserve the tourist potential of the area or in order to protect the coastline.
  5. Happily, the principal Caithness lochs have not been affected by the tree planters, and visiting anglers will find splendid sport on outstanding waters such as Watten, St John's and Heilen, all readily available at modest cost.
  6. I think France could be badly affected if we open the scoring."
  7. I also get the feeling that you have, indeed, been affected by the discipline you received from your parents.
  8. Anaesthetist Dr Gouri Shankar said the fracture would not have affected his decision to go ahead with the surgery.
  9. It is, first of all, the only view according to the internal constitutional laws of the Dominions affected, and there is something to be said for avoiding conflicts of constitutional laws.
  10. Although honey supplies could be affected if the infestatation spreads, people are not at risk, experts say.
  11. A domestic market that becomes part of an international market is going to be subjected to the effects of changes which might otherwise have been more slow in coming - or wouldn't have immediately affected it.
  12. (Tel: 071-;289 6111 Mon-;Thurs) Information and advice for those affected by incontinence and their carers.
  13. Scottish merchants grumbled rather more about the new dispensation; they were perfectly willing and able to be Europeans, but any outlet for trade would do, and there were complaints - in 1524, for example - about the Auld Alliance with France, because it affected their opportunities not only in Flanders and Spain, but also in England.

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