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Перевод: afresh speek afresh

снова; сызнова


  1. MANKIND'S eternal quest for knowledge about the Universe has been fired afresh in recent years by the spectacular revolution brought about by new astronomy and space technology.
  2. The protestant Christian has too quickly jumped to the conclusion that Catholicism regards the Holy Communion service as a work of salvation whereby the priest offers afresh the offering of Christ and pleads for salvation.
  3. We're going to start afresh.
  4. I looked at it afresh and came to the same conclusion."
  5. Any applicant who is aggrieved either by a refusal or a condition on a permission can appeal to the Secretary of State who, in effect, considers the whole application afresh.
  6. The enormity of what had gone wrong struck him afresh and he started kicking the door and yelling again, but this time nobody answered, not even the snoring drunks.
  7. Of course, I had heard these same sentiments expressed by his lordship on many occasions before, but such was the depth of conviction with which he spoke in this august setting that I could not help but be moved afresh.
  8. He was writing it afresh, there and then, word for word, but the words, although they were identical to the familiar text, were nevertheless new words, words that had not been made before.
  9. Frequent legislative changes make it dangerous for advice workers to assume that any facts are unaltered and they must therefore always be encouraged to look things up afresh.
  10. As she uncovers the work of a Victorian architectural editor (Orlando Curioso) she reveals London's sites afresh, beautifully and imaginatively conveying "the curious experience of overlapped time."
  11. After breakfast I started afresh.
  12. The picture of the universe as a mechanical affair of matter in motion did not originate, but rather was painted afresh, in the seventeenth century; it was derived from the atomic theory of the ancient Greeks, Democritus and Epicurus.
  13. In this case we must reconstitute ourselves into a court of appeal and go through all the evidence afresh.
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