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Перевод: afterthought speek afterthought

запоздалая мысль; мысль, пришедшая в голову слишком поздно; запоздалое раздумье; раздумье


  1. As an afterthought -)
  2. There is a tendency for analysts to add monitor and control to system models almost as an afterthought, just to meet the requirements of the formal model.
  3. On an afterthought, she said "Thank you very much, children," and then paused as if trying to come to a decision.
  4. As a little afterthought, if anyone one would like to know what is on my Christmas list - please tell that Mummy would like a LIE-IN!
  5. He poured himself some wine and then, as if it were an afterthought, some for her.
  6. As an afterthought, she added: "His Dad's a vet."
  7. The Labour Party's "Irish unity" excuse is a logical nonsense and it is usually tagged on as an afterthought to the comradely talk about the SDLP.
  8. Indeed, in answering my question, identifying her place in a knowing audience is more important than supplying "accurate" information about Jamie's role, which is added only as an afterthought: "He's cute and podgy".
  9. It was taken for granted that where the "bucks" predominated, the stick was the first resort, and the law an afterthought.
  10. In something of an afterthought the Irish News of 15 August 1966 recorded that "a discussion took place on the desirability of holding a convention on civil rights for the purpose of drawing up a civil rights chart".
  11. European conference venues suffer from chronic diseases: small doors, narrow stairs, no lifts at all or tiny lifts added to the building as an afterthought, poor electrics, low ceilings, "miles away" kitchens, staff curfews, meaningless rules and no ramps.
  12. Almost as a pleading afterthought he wrote, "Along with all this must go an emphasis on citizenship.
  13. Even his extraordinarily fecund language struggled to reassert the recollection: "the ideal couple," "the beautiful inspiration," "illusion and reality," (by which he meant that it was simply too good to be true; too perfect to last - a forbidding afterthought).

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